Drumroll please!

Snapshot of some of my prescriptions

Another day of great results. My lesions are shrinking. A lot. These drugs that I take on the daily and the ones I get infused through my port every three weeks are keeping cancer at bay. Could my doctors tell me that the cancer is totally gone one of these days? No, not likely. Not right now. I could reach the point of NED (no evidence of disease) but the cancer will still be there — unseen by imaging but waiting, sleeping, looking for a way to outsmart these drugs. That’s what happened before. It will likely happen again. I am a very positive thinker. I am celebrating with every good news report. I am also realistic and see women progressing and dying on a regular basis. This isn’t an “easy cancer” to deal with. It’s intelligent. I won’t back down though. Whatever MBC throws at me, I have the strength to push back and I have the most amazing evidence based team around. Celebrate with me! Feel good with me!

Napping with acupuncture needles in while getting pembro infusion

9 rounds of immunotherapy down. That’s pretty sweet!! We need to celebrate our wins and push for continued research and ways to find a real cure for this beast.

Celebrating a nice view at breakfast